Quick Recipes
Quick Recipes

This is a staple in our house. Some weeks the ingredients for this recipe are already in our fridge, providing that we’re stocked up on some east-asian supplies.

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Spicy Miso Ramen

Making ramen broth from scratch is one of those things that individuals need 10k hours practicing in order to do well, it seems. It involves pig heads, feet, fish, leeks, various cooking methods all over many many hours and probably other things that are tightly guarded secrets. I’ve tried a few times, and usually end up making a tasty broth that is not like ramen whatsoever. Fortunately packages of ramen can be purchased from Japanese markets with pretty amazing results. Yes, this is a pre-packaged food, and this recipe is one of many ways that we finish off the noodle/broth combo.

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white bbq chicken

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Soba Soup with Natto

Adding natto to soba soup gives the broth a creamy texture and is a great way to introduce someone to natto.

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Sheared Egg

This is one of my favorite ways to prepare breakfast eggs, (my all time fave is poaching.) When you don’t feel like bringing out the frying pan, shirred eggs are good because you just pop the eggs into the oven.

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Turkey Sandwich

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